• No 9, Sixth Circular Rd, Accra
  • +233 303969615 +233 502275820
  • No 9, Sixth Circular Rd, Accra
  • +233 303969615 +233 502275820

The Kufuor years (2001 – 2009): Governance Policies and Achievements

Highlight of Initiatives

Political and civil rights
▪ Abolished criminal libel law
▪ Submitted to African peer review mechanism
▪ Supported peace keeping and reconciliation across Africa

▪ Introduced E-governance program
▪ Improved procurement act
▪ Introduced transparency bills such as ; Whistle blower bill

Gender equality
▪ Created the ministry of women and children affairs
▪ Introduced domestic violence law


Political and civil rights
▪ Increased press freedom in Ghana; ranked #31 for free press by Reporters Without Borders
▪ Increased international influence globally, participated in several G8 meetings

▪ Increased procurement especially for armed forces
▪ Good governance increased from “partially free” to “free” (Freedom House)

Gender equality
▪ Increased inclusion of women in government; Ghana first female Chief Justice was appointed.